Mexican Bush Sage
by Alison Frank
Mexican Bush Sage
Alison Frank
Photograph - Photography
Mexican Sage is a hardy, old fashioned sage, which has been a garden favourite for many years. It is sometimes also called ‘woolly sage’, due to the slight white ‘woolly’ features of the new growth stems and underside of the leaves. It can grow from 80cm to 1.2 meters tall and equally as wide and has many erect stems that arch at the tips when in flower. This sage has linear, lanceolate, grey-green leaves which provide a nice contrast to other garden plants all year round.
The original form of this salvia has velvety purple flowers and dark purple calyces. There is often a hazy, slightly white patch visible as well. The fuzzy dark purple calyces stay on the plant long after the flower petals have gone, providing a nice colourful display. The peak bloom period is spring to autumn, but in the right climate they can flower all year round. This old favourite is also known for the graceful arching branches that result when the floral display appears.
Mexican Sage blooms late in the season, so it provides butterflies with a source of nectar when other flowers are scarce. There are several varieties with different features, including Santa Barbara and Midnight.
October 2nd, 2020